Now that you have rid yourself of marketing that doesn't work, team members that were order takers and people on your sphere list that shouldn't be there it's time to Make Things Happen!
Success is a state of mind, if you believe in yourself first, than your confidence will lead others to put their confidence in you.
Stick to the plan. (make sure you have one)
Stay lean even when you get busier. (save for tomorrow)
Focus on your past customers, current customers and your productive sphere. (this is a referral business)
Have processes in place to keep you on task. (people oriented people tend to get distracted easily)
Give back (you reap what you sow, good or bad)
Refresh Yourself regularly (when you're in a better state of mind you're more productive)
Keep learning (as soon as you think you've arrived, you just became a know it all! Who likes a know it all?)
Make a commitment to step up your professionalism ( Realtor, let's represent!!)
I wish each and everyone of you the best! Happy New Year!
Kim Knapp
Realtor Jacksonville Florida
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